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===Freegle Representative Group (Reps)===
=== Freegle Ltd Board  ===

'''2012''' <br>
Announcements were previously made on Yahoo groups. That material is no longer available online but has been archived. Dead links have been removed from this page.  
Nominations for the 2012 annual election for Reps were requested by special notice on Freegle UK Central [http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FreegleUK-Central/message/33262] and by a mail to all group owner addresses on 20th November 2012.<br>
Candidate statements [[Candidates for Reps Election 2012]] and the Q&A session were notified on Central, 1st December, message 33522 [http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FreegleUK-Central/message/33522] <br> Summary of Q&A [[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AhDLE82mEn2jdDl5dGZqRmsxcjBNMFVkQXh2aFNfTnc]]<br>
The election notice was sent to all groups and posted on Central on 19th December 2012, message 33926 [http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FreegleUK-Central/message/33926]<br>
The provisional results were announced on Central on 21st December 2012, message 34013 [http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FreegleUK-Central/message/34013]<br>
The final result was announced on Central 24th December 2012, message 34059 [http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FreegleUK-Central/message/34059]

Nominations for the 2011 annual election for Reps were requested by a mail to all group owner addresses along with a special notice on Central, message 23995 [http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FreegleUK-Central/message/23995] 30th October 2011.<br>
<br> Nominations were requested for 9 vacancies on Board, via special notice on Freegle UK Central and by mail to all group owner addresses on 17th May 2015. See [[Directors 2015 Election Details]]
Nominations were notified on Central, 7th November 2011, message 24290 [http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FreegleUK-Central/message/24290]<br>
Candidate statements [[Reps11-11]] and the Q&A session were notified on Central, 13th November 2011, message 24439 [http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FreegleUK-Central/message/24439]<br>
The election notice was sent to all groups and posted on Central on 25th November 2011, message no. 24752 [http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FreegleUK-Central/message/24752]<br>
The provisional results were announced on Central on 6th December 2011, message 24973 [http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FreegleUK-Central/message/24973]<br>
The [[Elected Roles Autopromotion]] procedure was used 8th January 2012, message no.25222 on Central [http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FreegleUK-Central/message/25522].

For further links see [[Board Elections]]
Nominations for the 2010 annual election for Reps were requested by a mail to all group owner addresses along with a special notice on Central, message 17988  [http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FreegleUK-Central/message/17988] 19th December 2010.<br>
Nominations were notified on Central, message 18613 [http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FreegleUK-Central/message/18613].<br>
Candidate statements and Q&A session were notified on Central, 15th January 2011, message 18762 [http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FreegleUK-Central/message/18762]<br>
The results were announced on Central on 16th February 2011, message 19370 [http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FreegleUK-Central/message/19370].

The election for the first team of Reps was announced on Central and sent to all group owner addresses on 12th December 2009, message 5503 [http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FreegleUK-Central/message/5503]<br>
Nominations had been previously requested via Central message 4876 [http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FreegleUK-Central/message/4876] on 1st December. <br> The results were announced on Central on 24th December 2009, message 6198 [http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FreegleUK-Central/message/6198]

=== Returning Officer ===
'''2014''' <br>
[[Directors 2014 Election Details]]

'''2013 (Nov)'''<br>
Nominations for 9 people to become the first Freegle Board were requested by special notice on Freegle UK Central and by mail to all group owner addresses on 13th January 2014. The Election Details can be found on [http://freegle.it/IPSDirectors2014ElectionDetails Google Docs] or on the [[IPS_Directors_2014_Election_Details|Wiki]].<br>
The election for a Returning Officer was announced on Central and sent to all group owner addresses on 3rd November 2013, topic/message no. 42397 [http://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/FreegleUK-Central/conversations/topics/42397]<br>
Candidates statements [http://frgl.it/IPSDirectors2014ElectionCandidateStatements] published and Q&A opened on Central 3rd February 2014, notified to all owner addresses and on Central <br>
Call for nominations [http://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/FreegleUK-Central/conversations/topics/42738]<br>
Election notice sent to all owner addresses and Central 11th February 2014 including links to candidate Q&A session summary [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AmXP7XMm5yLidE1md0pXVHpRM21TVUZsZU5qdFpwVUE&usp=sharing#gid=6]<br>
Candidate statements [[RO Election Nov 2013]] and the Q&A session were notified on Central 14th November 2013, message no.
Election results sent to all owner addresses and Central 21st February 2014

=== Freegle UK - Freegle Representative Group (Reps)  ===

'''2013 (Jun)'''<br>
'''2012''' <br> Nominations for the 2012 annual election for Reps were requested by special notice on Freegle UK Central and by a mail to all group owner addresses on 20th November 2012.<br> Candidate statements Candidates for Reps Election 2012 and the Q&A session were notified on Central, 1st December <br> Summary of Q&A [[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AhDLE82mEn2jdDl5dGZqRmsxcjBNMFVkQXh2aFNfTnc]]<br> The election notice was sent to all groups and posted on Central on 19th December 2012.<br> The provisional results were announced on Central on 21st December 2012.<br> The final result was announced on Central 24th December 2012.  
The election for a Returning Officer was announced on Central and sent to all group owner addresses on 10th June 2013, message no. 38851 [http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FreegleUK-Central/message/38851]      <br>
Candidate statements [[RO Election 2013]] and the Q&A session were notified on Central 20th June 2013, message no.39104 [http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FreegleUK-Central/message/39104]<br>
The election notice was sent to all group owner addresses on 29th/30th June 2013 and announced on Central, message 34349 [http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FreegleUK-Central/message/39349]<br>
The provisional result was announced on Central 9th July 2013, message 39576 [http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FreegleUK-Central/message/39576], final announcement made on 10th July, message 39624 [http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FreegleUK-Central/message/39624]

'''2011'''<br> Nominations for the 2011 annual election for Reps were requested by a mail to all group owner addresses along with a special notice on Central, 30th October 2011.<br> Nominations were notified on Central, 7th November 2011.<br> Candidate statements Reps11-11 and the Q&A session were notified on Central, 13th November 2011.<br> The election notice was sent to all groups and posted on Central on 25th November 2011.<br> The provisional results were announced on Central on 6th December 2011.<br> The Elected Roles Autopromotion procedure was used 8th January 2012.  
The election for a Returning Officer was announced on Central and sent to all group owner addresses on 10th December 2011, message no. 25131 [http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FreegleUK-Central/message/25131]/.<br>
Candidate statements [[Ro0112state]] and the Q&A session were notified on Central, 10th January 2012, message 25549 [http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FreegleUK-Central/message/25549].<br>
The election notice was sent to all group owner addresses on 19th and 20th January 2012 and announced on Central, message 25742 [http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FreegleUK-Central/message/25742]<br>
The result of the election was announced on Central 31st January 2012, message 25946 [http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FreegleUK-Central/message/25946]

'''2010/2011'''<br> Nominations for the 2010 annual election for Reps were requested by a mail to all group owner addresses along with a special notice on Central, 19th December 2010.<br> Nominations were notified on Central.<br> Candidate statements and Q&A session were notified on Central, 15th January 2011.<br> The results were announced on Central on 16th February 2011.
The election for a Returning Officer in 2010 was announced on Central and sent to all group owner addresses on 8th June 2010, message no. 11940 [http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FreegleUK-Central/message/11940]. <br> The result of the election was announced on Central 8th June 2010, message 12331 [http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FreegleUK-Central/message/12331].<br>
A Deputy Returning Officer was appointed by the Returning Officer on 16th June 2010, message 13017 [http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FreegleUK-Central/message/13017]

=== Ombudsman ===
'''2009'''<br> The election for the first team of Reps was announced on Central and sent to all group owner addresses on 12th December 2009.<br> Nominations had been previously requested via Central on 1st December. <br> The results were announced on Central on 24th December 2009.

=== Freegle UK Returning Officer  ===
Nominees were requested for the two positions of Ombudsman on 21st July 2013, message 39768[http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FreegleUK-Central/message/39768]<br> Appointments were announced on Central 29th July 2013, message no. 40043 [http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FreegleUK-Central/message/40043].

See [[Ombudsman Election 2013]] for details
'''2013 (Nov)'''<br> The election for a Returning Officer was announced on Central and sent to all group owner addresses on 3rd November 2013<br> Candidate statements [[RO Election Nov 2013]] and the Q&A session were notified on Central 14th November 2013.<br> The election notice was announced on Central 20th November 2013.<br> The result was announced on Central 30th November 2013.

'''2010''' <br>
'''2013 (Jun)'''<br> The election for a Returning Officer was announced on Central and sent to all group owner addresses on 10th June 2013. <br> Candidate statements [[RO Election June 2013]] and the Q&A session were notified on Central 20th June 2013.<br> The election notice was sent to all group owner addresses on 29th/30th June 2013 and announced on Central.<br> The provisional result was announced on Central 9th July 2013, final announcement made on 10th July.  
Nominees were requested for the position of Ombudsman on 21st June 2010, message 13219 [http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FreegleUK-Central/message/13219]. <br> The result of the election was announced on Central 22nd August 2010, message no. 15362 [http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FreegleUK-Central/message/15362]

=== Auditor ===
'''2012'''<br> The election for a Returning Officer was announced on Central and sent to all group owner addresses on 10th December 2011.<br> Candidate statements [[Ro0112state]] and the Q&A session were notified on Central, 10th January 2012.<br> The election notice was sent to all group owner addresses on 19th and 20th January 2012 and announced on Central.<br> The result of the election was announced on Central 31st January 2012.

An Auditor is recommended annually at the AGM by the ORO Team.
'''2010'''<br> The election for a Returning Officer in 2010 was announced on Central and sent to all group owner addresses on 8th June 2010. <br> The result of the election was announced on Central 8th June 2010.<br> A Deputy Returning Officer was appointed by the Returning Officer on 16th June 2010.

=== Freegle UK Ombudsman  ===

'''2013'''<br> Nominees were requested for the two positions of Ombudsman on 21st July 2013<br> Appointments were announced on Central 29th July 2013.  
Recommendation at 2012 AGM - [http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FreegleUK-Central/surveys?id=2761356]

See [[Ombudsman Election 2013]] for details.
Recommendation at 2011 AGM - [[AGM 2011 Recommendation for Auditor]]  

'''2010''' <br> Nominees were requested for the position of Ombudsman on 21st June 2010. <br> The result of the election was announced on Central 22nd August 2010.

=== Freegle UK Auditor  ===

An Auditor was recommended annually at the AGM by the ORO Team.

'''2013''' Recommendation for 2013 AGM - [[AGM 2013 Recommendation for Auditor]]

Back to [[Returning Officer]] or [[Freegle Representative Group]]

[[category:Policies, Procedures, Remits]] [[category:Freegle Representative Group]]
Link to [[Board Elections]]
[[Category:Policies, Procedures, Remits]]

Latest revision as of 20:10, 22 July 2024

Freegle Ltd Board

Announcements were previously made on Yahoo groups. That material is no longer available online but has been archived. Dead links have been removed from this page.

Nominations were requested for 9 vacancies on Board, via special notice on Freegle UK Central and by mail to all group owner addresses on 17th May 2015. See Directors 2015 Election Details

For further links see Board Elections

Directors 2014 Election Details

Nominations for 9 people to become the first Freegle Board were requested by special notice on Freegle UK Central and by mail to all group owner addresses on 13th January 2014. The Election Details can be found on Google Docs or on the Wiki.
Candidates statements [1] published and Q&A opened on Central 3rd February 2014, notified to all owner addresses and on Central
Election notice sent to all owner addresses and Central 11th February 2014 including links to candidate Q&A session summary [2]
Election results sent to all owner addresses and Central 21st February 2014

Freegle UK - Freegle Representative Group (Reps)

Nominations for the 2012 annual election for Reps were requested by special notice on Freegle UK Central and by a mail to all group owner addresses on 20th November 2012.
Candidate statements Candidates for Reps Election 2012 and the Q&A session were notified on Central, 1st December
Summary of Q&A [[3]]
The election notice was sent to all groups and posted on Central on 19th December 2012.
The provisional results were announced on Central on 21st December 2012.
The final result was announced on Central 24th December 2012.

Nominations for the 2011 annual election for Reps were requested by a mail to all group owner addresses along with a special notice on Central, 30th October 2011.
Nominations were notified on Central, 7th November 2011.
Candidate statements Reps11-11 and the Q&A session were notified on Central, 13th November 2011.
The election notice was sent to all groups and posted on Central on 25th November 2011.
The provisional results were announced on Central on 6th December 2011.
The Elected Roles Autopromotion procedure was used 8th January 2012.

Nominations for the 2010 annual election for Reps were requested by a mail to all group owner addresses along with a special notice on Central, 19th December 2010.
Nominations were notified on Central.
Candidate statements and Q&A session were notified on Central, 15th January 2011.
The results were announced on Central on 16th February 2011.

The election for the first team of Reps was announced on Central and sent to all group owner addresses on 12th December 2009.
Nominations had been previously requested via Central on 1st December.
The results were announced on Central on 24th December 2009.

Freegle UK Returning Officer

2013 (Nov)
The election for a Returning Officer was announced on Central and sent to all group owner addresses on 3rd November 2013
Candidate statements RO Election Nov 2013 and the Q&A session were notified on Central 14th November 2013.
The election notice was announced on Central 20th November 2013.
The result was announced on Central 30th November 2013.

2013 (Jun)
The election for a Returning Officer was announced on Central and sent to all group owner addresses on 10th June 2013.
Candidate statements RO Election June 2013 and the Q&A session were notified on Central 20th June 2013.
The election notice was sent to all group owner addresses on 29th/30th June 2013 and announced on Central.
The provisional result was announced on Central 9th July 2013, final announcement made on 10th July.

The election for a Returning Officer was announced on Central and sent to all group owner addresses on 10th December 2011.
Candidate statements Ro0112state and the Q&A session were notified on Central, 10th January 2012.
The election notice was sent to all group owner addresses on 19th and 20th January 2012 and announced on Central.
The result of the election was announced on Central 31st January 2012.

The election for a Returning Officer in 2010 was announced on Central and sent to all group owner addresses on 8th June 2010.
The result of the election was announced on Central 8th June 2010.
A Deputy Returning Officer was appointed by the Returning Officer on 16th June 2010.

Freegle UK Ombudsman

Nominees were requested for the two positions of Ombudsman on 21st July 2013
Appointments were announced on Central 29th July 2013.

See Ombudsman Election 2013 for details.

Nominees were requested for the position of Ombudsman on 21st June 2010.
The result of the election was announced on Central 22nd August 2010.

Freegle UK Auditor

An Auditor was recommended annually at the AGM by the ORO Team.

2013 Recommendation for 2013 AGM - AGM 2013 Recommendation for Auditor

Link to Board Elections