To do list

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please add your ideas here:

We could do with some nice graphics for this wiki - simple icons and perhaps some cartoons to lighten the relentlessness of all the text.

the Moderator Handbook

Here are some sections that need to be completed, we also need people who can

  • proof read

Special Notices

Mod groups -i'm about to do a section on yahoo groups -does someone fancy doing one on gmail groups

Pet Guidelines

how to set up an auto send file


Promoting my new group

Facebook, blogs, forums


Standard Texts

If you are up for creating any of these sections it might be a good idea to join the applicable working group (if you're not already a member) and let us know what your planning on doing so there is no replication

Contact Details

we could do with urls for mod groups here

The Freegle Organisation

Historian - page needs completion
Freegle History- page needs completion
Returning Officer - role remit etc needed
Ombudsman - role remit etc needed

Back to Help with the Wiki

--- susanbanderson: i don't seem to have the privs to do this, so please can someone add a page for the Mailbox remit? Thanks. Content:

Mailbox Remit ( and

Those with active access to the Mailbox will...

1. Ensure prompt and regular mailbox cover: Answer or forward all new issues coming into the Mailbox within 24 hours Coordinate time off to ensure the inbox can be checked at least every 24 hours; notify Reps in advance if this is not possible Follow up outstanding or unresolved enquiries in a timely manner

2. Act with integrity: Respond objectively and in a professional manner to all enquiries Not speak in a negative manner about other networks Inform enquirers of their nearest free reuse groups, or how to find them, where appropriate, regardless of the network

3. Seek advice where necessary: Be mindful that emails sent are on behalf of Freegle and ask the advice of the Reps if unsure of the appropriate response

4. Maintain an organised mailbox: Archive all messages once resolved or passed on Label messages meaningfully Be prepared to provide figures on the types of enquiries to Central, for the purpose of transparency Delete spam only, nothing else

5. Promote group autonomy: Forward as much as possible directly to the group owner address in question, or an organisational Freegle Team where appropriate, informing the enquirer that this is being done. For complaints and sensitive issues, see below

6. Maintain confidentiality: Not divulge the Mailbox password to anyone except those authorised by the Reps to have access to the Mailbox Change the Mailbox password when an authorised person or member of the mailbox team steps down and ensure the following are notified of the new password: All active members of the Mailbox Team (currently Jacky Barratt & Susan Anderson) All back up members of the Mailbox Team (currently David Easby) One member of the Reps/Tech Team (currently Paul Thompson) For complaints and sensitive issues: Be mindful of sensitive issues when forwarding or copying others on emails Give the local group the chance to deal fully with any complaints, but seek permission from the person complaining before their email is shared with the moderating team. Ensure that a complaint is not dealt with by a member of the Mailbox team who is also a moderator for the group concerned Respect the confidentiality of emails and the need to share them only within the relevant and necessary Freegle teams Where permission is not given, file away the complaint unless the complaint is about items or actions not being Free or Legal. In this case, the Reps will be informed for their consideration.** If the complaint is about one of the groups of a member of these teams, send it to one other person from the relevant team instead

    • The mailbox team would like to reserve the right to inform the Reps if a group receives 3 or more complaints about a group for which permission to refer back to the group is not given, or if the nature of the complaint appears to be sufficiently concerning.

..................................................................................... Remit suggested to Central 30.3.10, message no. 9468
