Getting media coverage

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(condensed version of Getting Press Coverage)

Look out for interesting posts on your site that might make a story, for example a member organising a wedding using Freegle, or furnishing a whole flat.

Watch for unusual items (and start a list), and also for very big things eg cars or caravans: these stories may interest your local paper

Photographs: when something unusual is offered, ask if the people will take a photo of it - or the handover – or you could tell the local paper.

Start a gallery on your homepage and invite members to submit photos of ‘stuff’ (and keep the photos for media enquiries)

Monitor posts for a set period to create a ‘top ten’ most popular offers, to use in press releases

Occasionally you will be sent template releases from Freegle that you can adapt for papers in your area by inserting local details.

Create a contact list of media Note publication dates and copy deadlines, so you don’t submit a story at the last minute.

When you ring, ask for ‘editorial’ or the newsdesk and after briefly explaining your story offer to send them more information in an email. It doesn’t need to be a formal press release.

Prepare your story

When writing for the press keep it simple and use plain English. Keep your sentences short and to the point.

Include your group website address, a quote, and your contact details for further information.

If you’ve typed more than one and a half pages of A4 it is probably too long!

If there’s information that you can’t work into one and a half pages, add it at the end in a section called Notes to Editors.

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