Managing Financial Approvals Process

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Rule 6 of the Finance_Policy states that all expenditure must be approved by the board.

This process describes how to manage those approvals.


Approvals are made by the board. This is normally done in 3 ways:

  1. Alongside the agreements made when setting the annual budget (the majority of financial approvals are made at this time)
  2. As part of a decision made at a Board Meeting (recorded in the minutes)
  3. As an ad-hoc decision between board meetings


The individual budget owner requests the approval

The Freegle Board approves (or rejects) the request and agrees what Payment Approval Level is required

The Finance Director updates the record of approved expenditure


  • Details of the expenditure being requested


  • Updated record of payment approvals.

Payment Approvals Detail

The Payment Approvals sheet is structured in 2 parts;

  1. Payment approvals made as part of the budget
  2. Payment approvals made since the budget

Keeping this distinction helps with other financial management activities

For each payment approval, the following information is recorded

  • Date approved
  • Amount approved
  • Payment Approval Level
  • Where the Approval was made (e.g. at a board meeting)
  • Any supporting comments/notes


  1. The Budget Owner details of the expenditure required - specifically, the amount and what it will be spent on
  2. The Board approves the request, following their standard decision making process
  3. The Finance Director updates the record of financial approvals
