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Any other questions you would like answered, please ask on Central.
Any other questions you would like answered, please ask on Central.

====Q. What precautions do Freegle Direct take regarding safeguarding?====
Q. What is safeguarding?

'''A.'''  All groups hosted on Freegle Direct are covered by the Disclaimer which members/users implicity agree to when signing up through Freegle Direct.
A. Safeguarding means protecting a citizen's health, wellbeing and human rights; enabling them to live free from harm, abuse and neglect. For children this means protection of those who cannot protect themselves from predatory or manipulative adults. For adults, the Care Act 2014 defines protection for those who are vulnerable and in need of care. However, we have a duty of care which goes beyond this. Some adults are easily deceived or coerced, Freegle should ensure that no harm comes to them from offering and receiving goods. So, in practice you do not work out which adult is vulnerable, and who is not, you monitor possible coercion or manipulation

The Freegle mobile app has an age rating of 12+ / Parental Guidance. This is because the user may see content generated by other users which isn't vetted before publication.

====Q.   What are online predators?====
Q. What precautions do Freegle Direct take regarding safeguarding?

'''A.'''  Online predators are adults looking to ‘befriend’ children on the internet in order to cultivate inappropriate relationships with them.
A. All groups hosted on Freegle Direct are covered by the Disclaimer which members/users implicitly agree to when signing up through Freegle Direct. The Freegle mobile app has an age rating of 12+ / Parental Guidance. This is because the user may see content generated by other users which isn't vetted before publication. gives good information about how online predators work and what to be aware of.

====Q. What do I do if I am worried about a possible safeguarding issue?====
Q. What precautions should Freegle Users take?

'''A.'''  If you are concerned about any activity you hear about on your group, follow the guidelines in [[Safeguarding Action Plan]].
A. Do not allow children to post offers, or allow them to hand over offers to takers. Do not post images of children if their contact details may become available to others. Treat adults with respect, do not use coercion with someone who is easily persuadable.

====Q.  What are Local Safeguarding Children Boards (LSCBs)?====

Q. What actions should Moderator volunteers take?
These have been established in England and Wales, when the Children Act 2004 gave statutory responsibility to have Local Safeguarding Children Boards.  LSCBs are now the key system for organisations to come together to agree on how they will cooperate with one another to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.  The purpose of this partnership working is to hold each other to account and to ensure safeguarding children remains high on the agenda across their region. The Boards are usually a good place to approach for local advice for your group activities.  More info - <br>

Update: The Children and Social Work Act 2017 (the Act) replaces Local Safeguarding Children
A. Ensure that users follow the above, giving advice where necessary. Notice any offers which may suggest harm, abuse or neglect and act on anything suspicious. You are not responsible for safeguarding everyone. But, if you spot it, you call out anything which appears inappropriate back to users. If still concerned, you do not conduct your own investigations, or share a possible case with other moderators because of confidentiality issues, instead refer the evidence of the incident, without opinions, to as this is what local safeguarding people prefer. If in doubt, raise it. If you are unsure, or need advice, contact informs about how child predators may work.
Boards (LSCBs) with new local safeguarding arrangements, led by three safeguarding
partners (local authorities, chief officers of police, and clinical commissioning groups).

====Q. Are there LSCBs in Scotland and Northern Ireland?====

'''A.'''  No, but both Scotland and Northern Ireland have Child Protection Committees covering all council areas, with similar aims of cooperation between agencies and provision of a central information point for everyone concerned with safeguarding.

====Q.  Who can advise about Vulnerable Adults?====
*[[Safeguarding Action Plan]]
*[[Safeguarding at Events]]
*[[Safeguarding Contacts]]

'''A.'''  Social Service departments have responsibility for vulnerable adults and the Police can also help advise.  If you contact your child protection units run by Social Work or Services, they will also be able to give you appropriate local information.
====Q.  Are there Government guidelines for safeguarding, relevant to volunteer organisations?====
'''A.'''  For England and Wales, there is ‘Working Together to Safeguard Children document, updated in 2018:
For Scotland, there is the ‘National Guidance for Child Protection in Scotland’ document, issued December 2012:
For Northern Ireland, there are a variety of publications -
The Charity Commission for England and Wales also has guidance -
====Q.  Are there examples of areas to be aware of in running my group?====
'''A.'''  The standard Freegle disclaimer makes it clear that information shared via the group is the responsibility of those using the group.  As a moderator it is wise to be aware of photos being uploaded, links in messages and any very obvious personal information that is included in messages and to take appropriate action if there are concerns.
====Q.  Are there Admins I can use for general safety and care issues for my group?====
''''A''''  The following admins might be useful:<br>
[[Zero Tolerance]] - confirming the group's position on discrimination and abuse<br>
[[Keep Safe]] - a reminder about personal safety when freegling
Back to [[Safeguarding]]

Latest revision as of 11:44, 22 January 2025

Any other questions you would like answered, please ask on Central.

Q. What is safeguarding?

A. Safeguarding means protecting a citizen's health, wellbeing and human rights; enabling them to live free from harm, abuse and neglect. For children this means protection of those who cannot protect themselves from predatory or manipulative adults. For adults, the Care Act 2014 defines protection for those who are vulnerable and in need of care. However, we have a duty of care which goes beyond this. Some adults are easily deceived or coerced, Freegle should ensure that no harm comes to them from offering and receiving goods. So, in practice you do not work out which adult is vulnerable, and who is not, you monitor possible coercion or manipulation

Q. What precautions do Freegle Direct take regarding safeguarding?

A. All groups hosted on Freegle Direct are covered by the Disclaimer which members/users implicitly agree to when signing up through Freegle Direct. The Freegle mobile app has an age rating of 12+ / Parental Guidance. This is because the user may see content generated by other users which isn't vetted before publication.

Q. What precautions should Freegle Users take?

A. Do not allow children to post offers, or allow them to hand over offers to takers. Do not post images of children if their contact details may become available to others. Treat adults with respect, do not use coercion with someone who is easily persuadable.

Q. What actions should Moderator volunteers take?

A. Ensure that users follow the above, giving advice where necessary. Notice any offers which may suggest harm, abuse or neglect and act on anything suspicious. You are not responsible for safeguarding everyone. But, if you spot it, you call out anything which appears inappropriate back to users. If still concerned, you do not conduct your own investigations, or share a possible case with other moderators because of confidentiality issues, instead refer the evidence of the incident, without opinions, to as this is what local safeguarding people prefer. If in doubt, raise it. If you are unsure, or need advice, contact informs about how child predators may work.
