This page explains experience of dealing with Vistaprint. Lots of other companies offer promotional materials which you can look into, either online or locally. It is always worth finding out if a locally based firm can offer you similar prices and deals to Vistaprint - keeping it local fits very well with our Freegle ethos! is run by one of our Freegle Volunteers. Mike, who runs Hereford Freegle, is always happy to quote for Freegle materials.
If you decide you want to pay for some promotion material or you have received a grant to get some printed; Vistaprint can be cheaper than doing it yourself.
Go to and see what the offers are..
If you don’t have a lot of time then keep it simple and just take the best couple of offers.
However it is worth taking time to get your business cards right.
You usually have to pay to upload logos however once uploaded you can reuse it on many things as often as you wish. Therefore it is worth making one just for your group. If you cannot do it yourself then ask on, or email tell them what you want and someone will offer to do it for you.
Another tip is have a few ready, and maybe some local scenes with the logo on. You often get a free calendar offer or after Christmas they go cheap for 50p For these you can upload upto 13 photo’s free of charge. You can then use them for other stuff. They are nice calendars too.
Business Cards
These are small cards with your groups url on. There are always offers on these and if you don’t need lots urgently just go for the free 250 and perhaps another 250 if they are fairly cheap. (You pay postage)
If you want a generic Freegle card, you can use the one shown here in Posters, fliers, cards
If you are designing your own, don’t forget to use the shortened version it is much easier for member to remember and get correct.
You are given several lines to fill in. You do not have to follow those suggested, you can change the size and colour of your fonts, and move your stuff around. (usually at a cost)
Try not to crowd it by putting too much in.
Business cards are best handed out personally, or left in libraries, doctors surgeries, church community tables, estate agents and other places where they likely will only be picked up by those interested.
Putting them through doors is neither cost effective nor good for the environment. Think of the amount of your post that goes straight into the recycling bin!!
There is often an offer for magnets. Fridge magnets are handy to give children, they will probably be put on their fridge at least. The larger size is excellent for putting on skips, or metal cupboards. Unfortunately they don’t stick to them all. They do occasionally offer a small car magnet fairly cheap. These are quite big and do look good if your family will let you keep it on the car.
Oversized postcards
These are really good for notice boards. Make them clear and bold. They are A5 size and with the competion for space on notice boards I find they are much more likely to be kept than a home printed one.
Bumper stickers. 
Make it simple as they won’t remember it otherwise.
A small one is fine for the window or pinning to a table I advise an indoor one it is quite strong. Medium is probably fine for a table event and again indoor quality is sufficent.
If you really want a large one you want it designed to suit. Again will help you out. The large one is bigger than any I have seen and heavy, not really suitable for posting. You have to buy grommets, to put on the corners, though how strong they would be in high winds on a building or gazebo I don’t know.
You can buy stands for them too, which would be better.Posters
Tee shirts
Quite good quality and long lasting. However the cheaper one is not very stylish. However if you choose a colour, add a photo on the reverse, or upload a photo for it, the price can add up.
They are useful if you have a stall or an event though.
These are sometimes on offer. I got three for the price of one and uploaded 13 photos for free which I can reuse. Excellent presents, especially if you include the odd photo of the person you are giving it to.
Extra Costs
Remember postage is added to most items and then the VAT. Be careful and watch the postage, sometimes there are free or cheap offers on it otherwise go for 3 weeks. After the first couple of orders they usually come much quicker than stated.
Upload of photos, don’t go mad, better to start with just the one and wait for the offers as they are sometimes allowed free or cheap. Don’t pay for reverse sides, unless you really want it. The calendars on the backs of cards are hard to see anyway. I never pay to take off the vista print mark either.
It is easy to have a bill double what you expect when these extras are added on.
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