Trading Subsidiary Working Team

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Trading Subsidiary Working Team Remit


To recommend a structure and remit for a Trading Subsidiary (TS) for Freegle.


a. Look into various models of trading subsidiaries/arms for charities and organisations similar to Freegle.

b. Take into account previous discussions on Structure and Central, as summarised on

c. Take into account related Structure tasks as appropriate:

  • Task 52 - Security of Freegle’s assets
  • Task 6 - Copyright and licensing
  • Task 85 - Paying volunteers for work
  • Task 86 - Charging for Freegle facilities.
  • Task 88 - National non-profit guidelines/payment to Volunteers

d. Seek external advice if appropriate. No funding of external advisers can be undertaken on behalf of Freegle without specific agreement with the Reps.

e. Recommend the type of organisation, remit and structure for a TS, including set up and recurring costs, workforce, relationship to the existing Freegle organisation, constraints and opportunities (including those relating to timescale, resource requirements and legal), . Justification/explanations for the recommendations should also be included.


Make a final recommendation to Structure by the end of March 2013, unless previous reports to Structure have indicated a later date and this has been agreed by Structure.


The Working Team are responsible to the Structure Group and will produce at least one interim report by the end of February from the Group on their progress. The final report, making recommendations for a TS, should be presented to Structure Group, who will discuss and then make appropriate recommendations to Central.


  • The team will be appointed by Structure following discussion and vote. All Volunteers are eligible to be part of the team.
  • The team will be no fewer than 3 Volunteers and no more than 5.
  • If external advice is required and it is felt that other people should be included in team discussions, the team can appoint extra Advisers, who can join the Yahoo discussion group.
  • The team will appoint a Spokesperson to report back to Structure and/or Central.


The Team will set up a closed Yahoo Group for discussions. All Volunteers in the team will be owners of the group. Advisers can be members. At the end of the remit, the team will agree 2 Owners who will close the group and keep it as an archive resource. The group will not be deleted unless agreed by poll on Structure. The discussions are not strictly confidential but care should be taken in copying any messages on the group to non-Group members or discussing issues outside of the Group. Clarifications or questions can be asked on Structure Group with the agreement of the Team.


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