Structure Group Report 2015-02-28

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This is a summary of discussions since our last report of 30th November 2014, covering messages 13133 to 13205

The topics we have discussed or are live/pending are below:

Task 85 - Paying People in Freegle

The Board plans to identify some priorities for spending which will be published and any paid work that we may be able to pay for will be informed by those priorities. The document was discussed and then voted unanimously to be recommended to the Board to adopt.

Within the discussions it was noted that there are significant risks to Freegle if more funding is not found to pay for some of the key work to sustain and keep the organisation relevant.

Task 110 - Structure Working Group Remit

Our remit was discussed and reviewed. The existing wording was felt to still be appropriate, so was recommended to the Board to be adopted. Jacky agreed to continue being the Coordinator, but if anyone else would like to take on that role, she is more than happy to support someone through a handover. Please speak up if you are interested!

It was noted that all volunteers, whether a Member of Freegle Ltd or not, are welcome to join and participate fully in discussions and polls on Working Groups. The new Working Groups document for Freegle Ltd has been adopted by the Board -

Wiki Documents

Clarification was given about the review of documents that has been taking place in preparation for full handover to Freegle UK. As each document is reviewed and approved for adoption by the Board, it is notified via the Board Minutes to Central and put on the wiki, with the original Freegle UK document left in place. When the handover is complete, all the replaced Freegle UK documents will be categorised as historic documents (not deleted, so they can still be used for future reference if needed) and links removed. The new ones will be then be ‘live’ and appropriate links added etc. There is also an ongoing review of all pages on the wiki to make sure that they will all be appropriate to Freegle Ltd very soon after the handover.

Group Polls

It had been assumed that a standard poll notice was delivered to all members, regardless of message preference, but this was revealed as not the case. It was agreed that in future our group polls will always be announced by special notice to ensure that all members of the group are aware a vote is taking place.

Task List

Our task list can be found at

Group ‘Personnel’

The owners of this group are Jacky (Great Yarmouth) and Wendy (Woodley). Jacky is coordinator at present. Group membership stands at 83. New members are very welcome to join at any time.

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