E-cigarettes and vaping

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We have had two conversations about this centrally.

February 2016 - Vapes and Vaping products
There was a quite long discussion of Freegle UK Central as to whether to allow e-cigarettes or vaping products. It was pointed out that it is illegal for under-18s to buy or sell e-cigs or vapour fluids, but the same applies to knives etc. We concluded it is up to individual communities to decide whether to allow them or not.

14th January 2020 - https://discourse.ilovefreegle.org/t/vaping-liquids/900 concluded that there still didn't seem to be a definitive answer on whether it was legal or not to pass on vaping liquids. Concerns expressed included tampered with/opened containers, age restriction on sale of items, possible nicotine or CBT oil content, origin of liquids. Ebay apparently doesn't allow private sellers to offer vaping liquids, but they are freely sold on Gumtree. Again, it was concluded it is up to individual communities to decide whether to allow them or not.

Link: Non compliant liquids are not legally allowed to be sold: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/e-cigarettes-regulations-for-consumer-products. These regulations were updated on 9th January 2020.

See also Drugs, medicines and supplements#Alcohol and tobacco

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