3.3 Practicalities

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As an online organisation, it is essential for Directors to have the IT capacity to attend Zoom and other types of online meetings, and to converse within forums and via email.

Board meetings are generally held on the first Tuesday of each month at 1830 hours and use the same Zoom link each month - https://zoom.us/j/93308199871?pwd=Sk5qeHRlQXRHYVZnZ01SeTEzbTlHZz09

- The private Board discussion group is - https://groups.io/g/FreegleBoard/

- The open national volunteer discussion forum is on Discourse - https://discourse.ilovefreegle.org/

Certain expenses can be paid to Directors, the form is ………. (Need new expenses policy and form)

This Freegle Wiki provides extensive information on Freegle UK and Freegle Ltd decisions and resources.

Link: Director Handbook