Structure Group Report 2010-06-27: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 22:51, 18 July 2010


This is a summary of discussions since our last report of 28th May 2010, covering messages 3405 to 4018. We asked in our previous report if it was acceptable to cut down to a monthly report. We have had no complaints, so it will be monthly from now on! We will also continue to post copies of reports on the Wiki, rather than as word docs on Central. We would like input from the other Working Groups and Central on whether you feel this is the best place for people to access and archive reports?

Our Task List can be found at for more information about what we are up to. We have 66 members at the moment - new members are always welcome! The topics we have discussed this month are below, in order of when they were raised.

Conditions of Office for Reps

We were asked by the Reps to drop all other work and concentrate on coming up with a draft process/procedure that addresses the temporary suspension and permanent removal of Reps from office. After an exhausting consultation process we eventually agreed a document that we have proposed to be adopted. The poll can be found here: and it ends at 2359hrs on Sunday 4th July 2010.

At the same time as the poll, applications were invited for Arbitration Panel members and the post of Ombudsman, so if the document is adopted the procedure can be implemented as soon as needed.

If anyone is having problems with the poll document or wants to ask questions about the poll or role applications, please contact Ray Owen, Returning Officer, via .

Co-operative v. Charity

A submitted constitution of a co-operative was uploaded for viewing. No decision has been made about a governing document or some kind of charitable status yet.

Improving Freegle Elections

We briefly talked about the need for voting members to have information about candidates for roles. This has been added to our Task List.

Mediation Process for Reps

Although not entirely concluded, there was support for using the same mediation service currently being proposed on People group for everyone, including Reps, and not seek to have a separate system.

Use of the word 'Member'

This has come up many times in our discussions and it was concluded by using the terminology Freegle Volunteer for a voting member of the Freegle Organisation and Freegle Member for a member of a group affiliated to Freegle.

Changing from Survey Monkey to LimeSurvey

It was proposed by Ray Owen (Returning Officer) that we change the facility Freegle uses for polls to LimeSurvey. This was agreed as a better alternative as it is open source and free. Many thanks are extended to Neil Morris for allowing Freegle to use his Survey Monkey account up until now.

Ownership of Central Groups

The need for how many people and who should be owners of the central groups was discussed and resulted in several Reps demoting themselves to moderators or members. The current owners of groups, web services, wiki, spreadsheets and contact details for people carrying out roles for Freegle can be found here: The information on the spreadsheet is maintained by the Mailbox team, so if there are any mistakes or changes, please can people let them know via

Confidentiality Document

The need for a non-disclosure agreement for people working on the technical side of Freegle was added to the Task List. A draft has been produced for this and Tech Group consideration.

Transparency Guidelines

A draft document for guidelines relating to transparency of working is being discussed at the moment.

Website -

The above site now points to our website rather than an architects journal.

Internal Organisation/Responsibilities

We continue to have off and on debate about how the work of Freegle could be done by Reps, Working Groups and Central and where authority lies for what decisions.

Evaluation of How We Are Doing

David proposed and ran a survey on Central to give people an opportunity to record how they feel we are doing. Further surveys for the Working Groups are in the pipeline.

Financial Management and Controls Policy

This is a current discussion about a document outlining financial controls for Freegle as a central organisation.

Aims and Ethos

We are currently discussing a draft statement of the Aims and Ethos of Freegle.


If any of the above topics interest you, please do join our group. You can watch from the sidelines or take to the pitch, we don't mind!

The spokespeople for this group are Jacky (Great Yarmouth) and Edward (Rep, Edinburgh and extremely far away pedestrian). Owners are Wendy (Woodley) and Jacky.