Safeguarding Contacts

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These contact details were correct when published here (in 2013), but of course they will change over time. If you find that any are no longer working and/or you have others to add, please edit this page yourself or pop a message on Central and someone will do it for you. Thanks.

Please note that although there is a comprehensive system set up for child protection, safeguarding vulnerable adults does not have the same level of mechanisms and information. If you are concerned about an adult you feel might be vulnerable, the agencies that advise on child protection will be able to help.

National Contacts

Childline 0800 1111 for help and advice

Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre - CEOP [1]- lots of information about how to keep children safe on-line

NSPCC [2] and [3]] help and advice, or tel 0808 800 5000, text 88858 or email

Northern Ireland DHSSPS(NI): [4] information and contact details for reporting child protection concerns.

Scotland - [5] information on child protection in Scotland

England - [6] government link page to local council child protection contacts

NCVO - [7] Resources for safeguarding children and adults