Annual Director Resignations and Election 2024

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Revision as of 10:50, 14 August 2024 by Jacky (talk | contribs)
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Annually at the AGM some Directors have to stand down in accordance with the Rules [[1]] and an election is held to fill vacancies.

For the AGM of 2024, the elected Directors standing down are Edward Hibbert and Jen Williams. Kathryn Bird was co-opted during the last year, and her co-option ends at the AGM.

This creates a total of four vacancies, to bring up the complement of Directors to nine.

The election for new Directors commenced 14th August with a nomination deadline of 21st August 2023. There were xxx nominations:

  • Edward Hibbert - self nominated, seconded by Melissa Minty
  • Jen Williams - self nominated, seconded by Melissa Minty
  • Matthew Fletcher - self nominated, seconded by Ray Owen

(As there were fewer candidates than vacancies, the candidates were able to be elected unopposed) xxxxx) or (Voting commenced xxxxx the results were

We welcome elected Directors xxxxxxx to the Board.
