Publicity tools
This page lists the (technical) publicity tools available to group volunteers and indeed members. These tools are only available for groups on Freegle Direct.
Current active posts for your group
This tool lists the currently open OFFER and WANTED posts for a group, divided by category and OFFER/WANTED. You need to choose your group, then the active posts are listed (that have been placed in the last week). You can then choose a date range to show, from today to 3 months. To see any more details, you'll have to look in Freegle Direct ie by clicking on the Freegle Now! link.
Once you've found your group, you can bookmark the link, eg:
Weight stats for your group
Freegle Direct estimates how much has been saved from waste for each item successfully Freegled. This tool lists the weight saved per month for a while group, eg:
To find your group's weight stats, build your own link, starting with:
followed by a groupid or groupname parameter and optional start and end parameters. Get your groupid using the active posts tool (above). The start and end parameters are in the form YYYY-MM-DD eg 2015-04-01.
Map stats for your group
Freegle Direct attempts to work out the map location of each post (with the group centre as the default). The spread of posts is mapped using this tool, eg:
To find your group's weight stats, build your own link, starting with:
followed by a groupid or groupname parameter and optional start and end parameters, as per above.