Freegle Board Meeting Procedure

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This Remit and Procedure was agreed by the Board at their August 2014 meeting.


To be the administrative secretary for the Board, particularly in regard to managing Board Meetings.

The Board Secretary will be appointed by the Board.


The full requirements for Director Board Meetings are in Rules 71 - 82


For each meeting a Google doc is prepared for

  • Agenda
  • Meeting Notes
  • Minutes

There is a list on Trello for items to be added to the Agenda

Main Agenda

The standing items are:

  • Minutes of last meeting
  • Declaration of interest
  • Risk Register
  • Date of next meeting
Consent Agenda

This contains items where we have previously polled and there has been unanimous agreement on the decision. All items on the Consent Agenda can be grouped together so there only needs to be one resolution. If there is any doubt about prior agreement the item goes on the Main Agenda

Meeting Notes

These consist of appropriate notes on each agenda item, eg

  • Reports or links to documents/Trello lists of reports by role holders or officers
  • Explanatory notes and any information that would save time in the board meeting
  • Resolution wording, if long
  • The date of polls for items on the Consent Agenda items


  • Meetings are usually held by Skype Chat
  • They are usually the last Wednesday of the month at 7.30
  • The meeting schedule is on Trello and on the Freegle Board Yahoo Group calendar with a reminder set for one day
  • Attendance for Skype Chat meetings is recorded from when a Director signs into the meeting and announces they are present.
  • Meeting Polls are conducted via:
  • Polls prior to the meeting are conducted via the Freegle Board Yahoo Group


A transcript is taken of the Skype Chat

  • Produced by the Board Secretary
  • Agreed by the Chairman
  • Polled on via the Yahoo Board Group

If there is unanimous approval:

  • They are put on the Wiki
  • The Chairman posts on Central via Special Notices
  • An item for approval is put on the Consent Agenda for the next meeting.

If approval is not unanimous:

  • The matter/s are discussed on the Yahoo Group
  • The vote for approval is taken during the next meeting

Action Points

  • Each Director has a list on Trello.
  • Action items are put on lists after the meeting.
  • There is a list for items that have been done since the last meeting.

Transcript, Agenda, Minutes and Notes are filed in the directors@ google drive.
