Global Sharing Day

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Press Release for 2012 Global Sharing Day:

Global Sharing Day is Wednesday November 14th 2012

As created by The People Who Share

Freegle will as always be encouraging people around the UK

to share unwanted resources by giving them away to someone

local who can make use of those goods.

Don’t throw it away! Give it away!

To find out more and find a local group to join go here:

Global Sharing Day is Freegle at Work Day!

Freegle will be encouraging our 1.4 million members to spread the word about freegling at work. Hopefully this will encourage individuals who already share and reuse resources via Freegle to mention it at work and get their colleagues doing it too!

Businesses, offices and organisations (like everyone) often discard usable goods. A workplace or staff can join the local Freegle group and easily start freely redistributing all that unwanted stuff! Waste management costs can be reduced, connections and goodwill created in your community while adding to your workplace sustainability credentials.

Spread the inspiration on Facebook:

Reuse ideas and over 10,000 followers:

Spread the word on Twitter:

  1. FreegleAtWork #GlobalSharingDay #SharingEconomy

Contact Us: Cat Fletcher – National Freegle Rep 07962 449 573