Trouble unsubscribing

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Occasionally you get a member who is having trouble unsubscribing, by the time they've got round to contacting the mods team they may be quite irate as a result of numerous unsuccessful attempts to unsubscribe.

Some reasons a member may be having trouble unsubscribing (and some solutions)

  • They just really can't figure out how to do it
  • They've set up two accounts and have only unsubscribed from one
  • They've unsubscribed from offer and wanted posts, but not other notifications

The first thing to do when a member is having trouble unsubscribing is to have a look for them on your membership list. In the above situations, when you do search in members you should see them. In which case you can either remove them yourself or send them Unsubscribe|instructions on how to do it.

If they don't appear in your members list, it could be because:

  • They've managed to unsubscribe from your Freegle group but are still subscribed to others
  • They've subscribed with an email address other than the one they're emailing you with

So if you can't see them on your members list, first of all ask them if they are emailing you from the email account that gets the Freegle posts, and then ask them to forward you one or even some of the posts. This will enable you to eliminate the first two options.