Emergency Response and Urgent Appeals - National Response

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The contact email address for emergencies and appeals is support@ilovefreegle.org

We have contacted xyz with details of Freegle, which are........

If an organisation contacts any of the national mailboxes, they should be forwarded as soon as possible to support@ilovefreegle.org.

Actions to be taken by support@ilovefreegle.org:

  1. Acknowledge as soon as possible the contact email.
  2. Establish what the organisation/individual wants from Freegle and where.
  3. Contact local groups if ...
  4. Let board@, media@ and geeks@ know of the contact so they are aware of the situation.
  5. ......

Ensure that Central is informed of any national response and provide link to Emergency Response and Urgent Appeals - Group Response.

link: Emergency Response and Urgent Appeals